Design Guidelines for Garden & Garage Suites (Saskatoon)

City of Saskatoon | June 24, 2016 |

Garden Suite means a small, self-contained, ground-oriented dwelling unit that is accessory to a one-unit dwelling. It is located in the rear yard of a one-unit dwelling and has cooking, food preparation, sleeping and sanitary facilities which are separate from those of the one-unit dwelling.

Garage Suite means a building containing both a garden suite and an area used as a private garage and is accessory to a one-unit dwelling. It is located in the rear yard of a one-unit dwelling.

Garden and Garage Suites have distinct regulations depending on the neighbourhood in which they are located. For these purposes, residential neighbourhoods are designated either Category 1 or Category 2 as follows

Category 1 Neighbourhoods include King George, Pleasant Hill, Riversdale, Westmount, Caswell Hill, Nutana, Buena Vista, Haultain, Exhibition, Varsity View, City Park and North Park.

Category 2 Neighbourhoods include all other neighbourhoods in the City of Saskatoon.

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