Accessory Coach House -Development Permit Guidelines (North Van)

City of North Vancouver | July 2018 |

Coach Houses are detached non-strata units also known as granny suites, lane way housing, garden suites and carriage houses. Coach houses have been present in the community over the last century. In the early 1900s, a coach house was sometimes the first unit built on a lot to house the owners while the principal residence was constructed. The coach house sometimes survived afterwards at the rear of the lot. Usually they were replaced by a garage. Other times they were built to provide housing for expanding or extended families.

All lots zoned RS or lots with a zoning designation that permits one-unit residential are allowed to have one principal dwelling unit and one accessory secondary suite which is contained within the existing dwelling. Coach houses are similar to secondary suites except they are detached from the principal residence usually located at the rear of the lot.

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